«Damit der Tag euch nicht packt wie ein Dieb»Zeit und Apokalypse

Abstract / DOI

«That the day may not catch you as a thief»: Time and Apocalypse. Apocalyptic perception of time is not a matter of chronology, but of existence. New Testament apocalypticism reveals two aspects of a dramatic understanding of God-given time. First, Christ’s return transforms all our expectations so that each moment may become an open door to God’s new world: Life is not ended, but fulfilled. Second, Christ’s nearness transforms our everyday reality so that it turns out to be a token of God’s presence that gives meaning to each particular day: Life does not fade away, but gains «sacramental» meaning. The first aspect finds its expression in the pervasive metaphor of the «thief in the night». The second aspect is conveyed by the Christological image of the «guest at the meal».

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