Ungeteilte Hingabe an GottEine kleine Theologie der Berufung nach 1 Kor 7

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Abstract / DOI

Undivided Devotion to God: A Little Theology of Vocation According to 1 Cor 7. 1 Cor 7 is one of the central biblical references according to which Paul recommends a celibate lifestyle and presents it as superior to other ways of life. This interpretation, however, has to contend with considerable exegetical difficulties, as will be shown on the basis of some key passages of the chapter. In the resulting interpretation of 1 Cor 7, a pastorally sensitive and spiritually profound theology of vocation becomes tangible: Paul reflects vocation as living a relationship with Christ and describes Christian life – no matter in what circumstances – as fulfilled when a person realizes a full devotion to God.

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