Präsuppositionsreflexion und InklusivismusZur Struktur und Aktualität von Nikolaus von Kues’ „De pace fidei“

Zusammenfassung / Summary

In this paper I examine the structure of the inter-religious dialogue "De pace fidei" of Nicholas Cusanus. Furthermore I deal with the question of its relevance for contemporary discussions. In the structural analysis of the dialogue I prove that it is based on a reason-centred form of inclusivism. This inclusivism is backed up by the reflection on conceptual presuppositions which are shared by all dialogue participants. I hold that this method of reflection can lead to agreements on some points. However, these results of rational analysis often vary from central religious ideas. At the same time the idea that all God's names are of limited relevance because his nature cannot be grasped by rational concepts plays an important role in the dialogue. I hold that in spite of different points of criticism "De pace fidei" is relevant for contemporary debates especially on account of the applied method of reasoning as well as the assumption of God’s transrational nature.  

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