The Earliest Irish Glosses on the Pauline Epistles (Kartonierte Ausgabe)

An Edition of the Text and Glosses of Vulgate Manuscript E as found in Cambridge B.10.5

  • Verlag Herder
  • 1. Auflage 2016
  • Kartoniert
  • 458 Seiten
  • ISBN: 978-3-451-23139-1
  • Bestellnummer: P231399

The main focus for this work is on the text of the glosses rather than their history, transcribing the text accurately, identifying its sources, and thus making it available so that eventually it may be possible to get some idea how it serves to highlight the text and message of Paul as these scholars read and understood it from the seventh to the ninth century.


John Liam de Paor, OCist (1959); 1999 PhD, 1960-80 Lehrer für Latein, patristische und biblische Studien an Ordensseminaren; seit 1982 Forschungen zur irischen Paulusglossierung.

Thematisch verwandt

Vetus Latina
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