Intellectus agens als abditum mentisDie Rezeption Augustinus in der Intellekttheorie Dietrichs von Freiberg

Zusammenfassung / Summary

The analysis of the reception of Augustine in the thought of the German Dominican Dietrich of Freiberg (1240-1310) is an interesting point of departure to investigate the presence of Augustinian theses in the philosophy of late 13th Century. In his noetical writings De intellectu et intelligibili and De visione beatifica Dietrich compares the Aristotelian concept of intellectus agens to the Augustinian abditum mentis and furthermore he bases his theory of intellect on the categories of Augustine’s Trinitarian thought. In both case the peripatetic and the Augustinian tradition can’t be considered as opposite sources, but as two complementary influences. Considering the relevant presence of Augustin in the history of philosophy, a rediscovery of his philosophical function and his atypical link with Aristotle at the end of 13th Century offers a helpful possibility to cast a fresh look at the foundations of some doctrines of modern thought normally traced back to Augustine.

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