Der wirkliche Jesus, der ‚historische Jesus‘ im eigentlichen SinneÜberlegungen zu einer Aussage im Jesus-Buch des Papstes

Zusammenfassung / Summary

Pope Benedict XVI.´s book "Jesus of Nazareth" marks the final application of the author´s lifelong scientific struggle with the relationship between dogmatics and biblical exegesis. Pope Benedict presents not only a book about Jesus of Nazareth, but also his attempt to locate critical exegesis within the context of dogmatic faith. The starting point of the book is the pope´s program to present 'the Jesus of the gospel as the real Jesus, the 'historical Jesus' in the literal meaning of the word. This article has the aim to clarify the meaning of this program. Therefore it gives a survey over Joseph Ratzinger´s publications dealing with the relationship between dogmatic and exegesis. The hermeneutical constellation, which can be found in Ratzinger´s publications, results in coordinates, which must be considered as a valuable contribution to the discussed topic.

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