Autorinnen und Autoren

D'Amico, Davide

Davide D'Amico

Davide D'Amico

Davide D’Amico received his Master’s degree in History of Religions from the University of Rome “Sapienza” with a thesis on the historical traditions and literary motifs of the stories about Ishmael (Genesis 16; 21). Subsequently, he received his PhD in Biblical Studies from the University of Aachen in May 2023, with a thesis on the social construction of animals in the Hebrew Bible. During his studies, he held research stays at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome) and at the Polis Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of several articles in international journals.

Bücher, Artikel, Lesungen, Meldungen

Animals as Social Construction in the Hebrew Bible. Creation, Law, and Sacrifice
Creation, Law, and Sacrifice
Davide D'Amico
Gebundene Ausgabe
Band 5
45,00 €
Lieferbar in 2-3- Wochen

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