Der Ursprung der Zeit im dreifaltigen GottTheologische Reflexionen zum Verhältnis von Freiheit, Zeit und Ewigkeit in Christentum, Judentum und Islam

Zusammenfassung / Summary

One of the major challenges of Christian theology is the definition of the relationship between time and eternity. Biblical traditions, but also the practice of petitionary prayer seem to contradict a met-aphysical determination of God’s eternity in the meaning of "timelessness". On the other hand, and not least in view of the incarnation of the Divine Word, the question raises in what sense the reality of God is related to the temporal dimensions of the world if it is a timeless reality. This paper arranges these problems in the field of freedom and history. Based on an analysis of the implications of the Incarnation on Trinitarian faith it proposes to regard time as a result of mutual relationship and freedom in the Triune God. The likely consequences of this proposal are outlined not only with regard to the Christian doctrine of God, but also for understanding finite time. Finally and based on the proposed definition of the relationship of freedom, time and eternity some far-reaching implications for the Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian dialogue are sketched out. 

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