Wir und die Anderen - die Frage nach dem "Subjekt" in Franz Rosenzweigs geschichtsphilosophischem Konzept des "Stern der Erlösung"

Zusammenfassung / Summary

This essay is concerned with the question how Rosenzweig’s „new thinking” deals with „We and the Others“, - and this beyond tackling it as a topic or object but in a methodical sense as the question about the „subject” of the „new thinking” itself. Concerning this question, it is the thesis to explore that Rosenzweig ponders „We and the Others” in a specific „dia-logical“ way of becoming deeply rooted in one’s own while being related to the other. He specifically refers to the „facts” of the „World-Day of the Lord” (creation, revelation and redemption) as philosophical categories. They could give the cases of who it is particularly, „We and the Others“: In the process of the Star a „We“ becomes the „subject“ which cannot deny the universal horizon of „We all“ because it is constituted as such in „God’s history“, i.e. the temporal sequence of His World-Day, and therefore exposed to „universal world-history“. That is Rosenzweig’s experience as a Jew face to face with Christians which he reflects upon in the Star as a speech-process, especially in his concept of „choral speech“. In this essay, the thesis is submitted to a relecture by means of a detour, which is made by following Levinas’ way of locating Rosenzweig in the „We” of the modern Jewish community.

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